Protests and Riots.

Voice is important.

In recent months the UK has been swept by riots, domestic terrorism of communities, protest and civil unrest. Sparked by the tragic murders of three children, these riots and protests have often taken their names and used them as a false and unwilling figureheads even going against the wishes of their parents. But in spite of this darkness, in spite of the aggression and despicable vandalism of our society, the people have taken a stand. All up and down the country people from all walks of life have come out in their thousands to show that this violence is not in their name. It has also opened up more people including myself, to make sure my voice is heard.

This selection of photos shows a from events of July and August in and around Liverpool, including images captured of the weekly Liverpool Friends of Palestine marches held every Sunday through the middle of Liverpool.


Liverpool Santa Dash 2024


Manchester Coffee Festival 2024